Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Perfect Bar Snack, Rhode-Island Style

I am addicted to these nuts. They're on the menu at one of my most favorite restaurants in Providence, Rhode Island -- La Laiterie. My family always orders them as a snack while we peruse the menu (along with Kate's Biscuits, fresh out of the oven. I wish I had one now...). 

While Chef Matt won't reveal his secret recipe (you can purchase the nuts on their website, though!), my family has tasted (and analyzed) the nuts enough and have attempted to re-create our addictive favorite at home.

Now, these aren't as magical as Matt's, but when I'm at home in Brooklyn craving these, Kate's biscuits, and Matt's burger with polenta fries, they'll do. And, the next time you're in Providence, run, don't walk, to La Laiterie!

Check back here Friday for the recipe! Okay, okay. I know you're all hungry as you sit there drinking your wine (it is National Drink Wine Day, afterall... ). So, whip these up now, if you've got the ingredients on hand!

Honey-Candied Nuts with Herbes de Provence

1/2 cup local honey (I like Andrew's)
1 1/2 cups salted mixed nuts (I love the Whole Foods 365 brand)
1/4 cup Herbes de Provence

In a saute pan over medium heat, heat honey until just bubbly. Add the salted nuts and the herbs and toss well to coat. Turn head down to medium-low and let the mixture cook for 2 minutes, tossing continuously. Turn the heat off and let cool, tossing every minute or so as the honey candies the nuts.

Serve with a glass of wine or bubbly.

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