Monday, March 1, 2010

Does an apple a day indeed keep the doctor away?

I'd like to think so.

Some of you who know me well know how much I like apples. My first word growing up wasn't Mommy or Daddy. Nope. Appie Juice. And though I may no longer like apple juice (give me fresh cider, please!), I'm still in love with apples....whether baked, sliced, covered in caramel, dipped in peanut butter, or just plain off the tree.

So, imagine by excitement to learn that the Renewing America's Food Traditions Alliance is working to make 2010 The Year of the Heirloom Apple.

Now, if I could only settle on a favorite apple recipe to share with you. Baked apples are what come to mind right now, but those don't count because they're so easy to make, and the flavor combinations are nearly endless.

What is your favorite apple recipe?

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